A Fresh Beginning
A roller-coaster ride would be the apt term to summarize my till-date familiarity with blogging..
March 10, 2004.. I start to blog ! A exhilarating experience that it is, it soon occupies the prime fore in my life- an addiction which continues for more than one and a half years. But change being the only constant, the intensity starts lowering with each passing day.
Sep 5, 2006..Its been 2.5 yrs now.. and for once, I again want to blog. For once I again crave to pen down my thoughts. For once I again desire to share.
Blogging for me is intimately interrelated with what is commonly termed diary-writing. People with diverse views and concerns find this a great medium to interact and connect. Yes, you would find all kinds of emotions in this blogville… hurt, pain, anger… joy, bliss.. action .. lies and truth ! This blogville is, all the same, a world in its own.. Nevertheless, it still is classified as ‘vitual’. I wonder why.
I visualize my novel blogging future to be as exciting as ever. I’m positive I will land up being a better writer.. and more than that, a better communicator.
Cheers to this blogville !
Here I come...
To invade your thoughts...your views…
Here I come…
To be your friend, your guide...
Here I come… For friendship…
With you… with myself too !