Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Mystery that it is... or is it ???

Today, yet again, after a long time, I felt the urge to write. My Random thoughts, and my random ways of expression...

Mr. X and Ms. Y go on a Date...Romance...Giggle...Enjoy...Have fun...
But have u ever wondered about this – A DATE WITH YOURSELF?
How romantic could that be? You... and Your Solitude... Main and meri Tanhai...

I had a date with myself today. I pampered myself with emotions and emotions and emotions! I treated myself with chocolates and ice-creams and some pleasant memories. Expectedly, I did have some rash times also. And I had to fight with them, tell them “You-bad thoughts, Go away. I don’t want to be upset today”. But they refused to budge... They kept on teasing me again and again... the feelings – some sweet and sugary... some just as harsh and hard!

It’s said, an empty mind is a devil’s mind. Somehow, I choose to disagree. For me, The times I have given to myself remain the most special moments of my life. These are the times when I really look not just in the mirror but in some other world. And see something completely different...

I see...
A reclined flag... at the end... I need to go there and put is upright...
I see where I am presently...
Far off... very far from the flag...
So far that the flag doesn’t appear bigger than a small point.
On the way I see jumbo-sized stones..
Beside them I spot flowers... and a pathway alongside.
Masses of people are walking on it...
Shockingly, the road takes a turn in between...
The folks don’t know where they are going.
They just keep on moving, with no destination.
Reluctantly, I stand alone and watch them go away.
I have to step across those stones, throw them elsewhere...
Regardless of how heavy they may be...
I may get tired and to rejuvenate, I have those flowers...
They emit fragrance...
They tingle the energy inside me...
And I smile :-) :-)

I move the next stone...
A yet bigger one...
But so is the flower...

The walk continues...
That dot far off – the flag- still remains as small as the dot...

I wonder... Will I ever really reach it?
I wonder... Is it actually there?
I wonder... Do I really want to reach it?

And then I say...
I don’t want to reach it... No, I don’t.
I don’t want this journey to end...
I don’t want to stop crossing the stones...
I don’t want to miss the freshness of flowers...
I don’t want to be silent, immobile- like those stones..
I would be like one, if I reach that flag!

I... want to keep moving...

I do....

“Richa... Richaaaa... RICHAAAAAA...”
My friends yell...
And I am zipped back to reality...
This is where I am...
With my friends... my world...
With my family... My everything...
With the people who made me who I am...
I feel blessed... I feel so lucky...
For a moment, I see no stones.
I see only love...
But for a moment...

Only for a moment!

This is what I am like... Weird... and this is what my life is... Weird!!
It remains a mystery... which can’t ever be solved...a never-ending perplex puzzle... We have to just let some things happen... have to let them go... and just be a silent spectator...We sometimes just have to be at peace with ourselves! And that happens, that really happens when you have a date with yourself!

I had one today...

A date... with myself !


Blogger Anurag said...

hmmmm...........a date with yourself ....why richa why ???? weren't lesser mortals like we deemed eligible for the pleasure of spending some enthralling moments with the PW girl

Jokes apart,the stuff made for interseting reading !!

Keep it up

2:38 AM  

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