I was on a trip to Delhi for some days. I am based in Kolkata. There were some major points of difference/similarities which i noticed.. which are worth mentioning.
1. If Kol has 10 big malls, Delhi has 100. May be 200.
2. The traffic system is amazing in Delhi. Flyovers n greenery surround the road, giving very minute scope for garbage to reside in lot many areas.
3. Night life exists over there. A good happening one.
4. Culturally Kolkata seems far superior.. with helping hands whenever u require. If you fall into any kind of trouble, Kolkattans are willing to help. Delhites, No ways !
5. The Delhi Airport is more organised and polished.
6. McDonalds - which is present in every nook and corner of Delhi city.. but which is completely non-existant in Kolkata. *sigh*
7. Delhi exceeds Kolkata in the no. of two-tyre transport vehicles. Delhi also has far lesser no. of cabs.
8. That is because of a general higher standard of living of Delhites. *wink*
9. Kolkata is peaceful. Delhi is not. People are just rushing and running all the time out there.
10. Education-wise Delhi possesses good amount of college and universities.
11. Nevertheless Kolkata still rocks. *Yay..It Does*
Well Guys.. This post is just let you know how i felt. As you all must have guessed, it was my first trip to delhi and i just had to pen down my thoughts ! If you find it boring and dull, Well... Not my problem ! but i wouldn't deny it too ! :) ... Take care, all..
Kolkata jindabad delhi also jindabad but kolkata jindabad again. so kolkata jindabad twice so kolkata is beter..
short sweet explanation for all this..
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