College life rules !!
The college life is a transformation stage – from childhood to Adulthood. In a myriad of uncertainties, the college goers (oh, not literally :p) are a group of people all stressed up. The stress is because of unsure future ..
1.The variety of career options available seemingly exhaust the students. The urge to succeed and to get ahead is felt. The ever-growing familiarity with books and marks..
2.The new point of views, the innovative solutions to repetitive problems already faced, the endless debates on exhaustive topics .. The new generation sets out to rule with its vibrancy and energy.
3.The emotional traumas experienced is yet another thing. Fights with family, the urge of freedom, break-ups with boy/girl friends, ego clashes.. all this lets the student go through a roller-coaster ride right within himself/herself.
4.The hangouts with friends, the socializing part – meeting new people and making new contacts – is interesting ! Parties, Hang-outs, mutual friendships turning direct.. the variety of calls recd. in a day !! On occasions like new year, Valentines day – the rush of SMS and the variety of greeting cards and the scarcity of flowers..the ever-diminishing balances on cell phone , the ever-expanding phone directory.
5.The developing-CV part – getting involved in college activities, participating in contests, winning accolades and awards, Getting Big – Ultimately a good CV shall satiate the need for a good job.
6.The necessity of gadgets- the latest model of cell phone, an IPod.. the hours spent on internet – These gizmo-freaks are cool !
7.The part-time job, the feeling of financial independence or rather a freedom to spend as much as is earned. Lots of wasteful expenditure but still worthwhile.. ;)
8.Hobbies like dancing, singing, playing musical instruments or any other seem a paradise !
And last but not the least ..
9.The weirdest of hairstyles ..with range of different colours… the funkiest of clothes and other accessories…
This is THE best part in one’s life..
For me, this is the ultimate fun..!
College life rules !!
when you are in college you have no freedom to spend .and when you have money you can not get back to college to spend that money in future ..So simply enjoy each and every moment of life ..being confident and stable mind is enough to get rid from stress of future .
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